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Get more direct bookings

Be part of the smarter hosting & lodging community

Guests want to book Direct... make it easy for them

By using this tool, you can maximize the efforts you already put into attracting guests through online travel agencies (OTAs) and turn it to your advantage. A real win-win.

a microphone icon

Diversify your listings

The key to maximizing revenue is to diversify your listing distribution.

an increase icon

Higher profit margins

Get more money per reservation and offer savings and rewards to your guests.

Directo extension pocion icon

Safeguard your business

Reduces your reliance on major third-party Booking platforms.

How does Directo work?

Hosts and hotels better price with Directo Extension - step 1
Directo travel extension Logo - Yellow D


You provide us with your listing details. Once mapped, travelers will start seeing the D when browsing on their favorite booking platform.

Hosts and hotels better price with Directo Extension - step 2 - redirecting
an increase icon


When they click on it, they will be automatically redirected to your website.

Hosts and hotels better price with Directo Extension - step 3 - direct website
Commitment - Startech X Webflow Template

Direct booking

Travelers can easily continue their booking journey and benefit from your offer!

Already a member?

Publish your accommodation on Directo

Free trial with this code for the first month: "EARLYBIRD"

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