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About Directo

We're a group of travel and tech enthusiasts with over 10 years of experience in travel industry, who are passionate about making travel booking easier and more accessible for everyone.

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We want to help you!

We've seen firsthand how frustrating it can be to book a hotel or vacation rental. That's why we decided to create a Chrome extension that lets you access direct links to book your stay with just a few clicks.

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We know the industry

We're proud to have the support of industry veterans who share our vision of disrupting the travel booking space. And we're backed by a team of professionals who know what it takes to succeed in this industry.

We're excited to be on this journey with you, and we're committed to making travel booking more accessible and convenient than ever before.

Our mission

Directo's mission is to give guests an easy way to contact hotels and property manager directly.

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For guest

The Extension is designed to save users time and money when booking their next vacation, by streamlining the process of finding the best direct deals and eliminating the need for extensive research.

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For hosts and hostels

For hotels and propery managers, we want to help them get more direct traffic in order to build up their brand and give their guests the best deals.

Our impact in numbers

of experience
Propery Listings

Contact us

We are creating Directo with a lot of effort, and we would love for you to help us continue to grow. If you have any suggestions, questions, or encounter any issues with your searches, let us know!

Are you a Property Manager or a Hotel?

Find out how Directo can help you get more direct traffic everyday.

Directo in the news

Directo Travel extension - news - Fodors Travel
Directo Travel extension - news - La Sexta - Viajestic
Directo Travel extension - news - Go Banking Rates
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La sexta travel - logo white
ok diario png - logo white
Go banking rates - logo white